Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Do the activities and send them to my mail!!

William Shakespeare Biography

Watch William Shakespeare biography and answer the questions.

1. Do we know most facts of Shakespeare's life?
2. Where was Shakespeare born?
3. When was he baptized?
4. Where was he educated?
5. Tell about Shakespeare's family.
6. When did Shakespeare begin writing?
7. What's the name of the company where he was an actor?
8. What's the name of the theatre that the company had in London?
9. When did Shakespeare's plays begin to be published?
10. Where is Shakespeare buried?
11. What kind of literary works did he write?

What's your opinion of this play by William Shakespeare?

Write your opinion of the play Othello. Tell about the characters, the topics (for example, love and jealousy) and the plot.


Here are three different versions of Othello. Watch them and write a comment comparing them.